About the Nachiverse

The Nachiverse is a name I use to refer to my main Countryhuman Universe. In this world, the planet is mainly inhabited by Canvasfolk/Pictunatios. As their name suggests, they look like humanoids, with unrealistic, painting-like colors, remeniscient of their national flag/symbols. These are basically my Countryhumans. Since they don't completely represent their countries, I could make multiple of the same country in the same universe, and flex on people who have to research extensively and assign personalities based off the information of the country alone.

Anyway, there are many different "storylines" I have in this universe, which refers to different Pictunatios being grouped together because they are associated with each other, and share a story together. There's a lot, and I can't keep track of them, so I made this website to store all these weird shenanigans in a really fancy way.

Why did you choose that name?

My friend called my universe that, so it just stuck, why not? I already did Nachiroll already lmfao

Where can you find stuff about the Nachiverse?